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Our history and the history of engineering
Institution and Engineering History
In 1909 the Institution’s first international branch was founded in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India.
By 1913 the Institution had commenced its own entrance examinations in a drive to improve and control the training of mechanical engineers. Candidates for Associate Membership would be expected to sit a general knowledge paper, a three-hour paper on applied mathematics, a three-hour paper on physics and chemistry and two three-hour papers elected from the following list: materials, steam engines, internal combustion engines, hydraulics, “electrotechnics”, the theory of machines, machine design and metallurgy.
Work on a new wing on the site of what had been the Storey’s Gate Tavern was completed by 15 November 1913, but there was no grand opening as there had been for the main building.
The Benevolent Fund of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers was founded in 1913 by Institution members as a way of providing advice, support and financial assistance to colleagues and their families.
In a bid to improve communication with members the first Journal was published in 1914.
Archive enquiries
Contact the archive team if you have a question about our history.
+44 (0)20 7973 1265
Move to London (1876-1900)
First World War (1914-1918)