By sharing knowledge, changing the way we behave and driving advances in technology the strain on the world’s resources can be reduced, more sustainable sources of energy developed and emissions reduced. Each year the UK consumes the equivalent of around 160 million tonnes of oil to meet its energy demands. With many of our ageing power stations going offline during the coming decade, North Sea oil and gas resources becoming increasingly scarce, the oil price dropping substantially and ambitious targets for the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions proposed, there are significant challenges ahead for the way in which we source, distribute and use energy. Read more about our Energy theme.
Roundtable Summary
A summary of the IMechE’s response to the UK Government’s Modern Industrial Strategy Green Paper.
Institution publishes summary of their main asks of new government
The current status and future prospects of “the Holy Grail” of energy assessed
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A set of six technical volumes has been developed, which summarise the state of the art in single phase heat transfer and natural convection for advanced nuclear technologies (water, high temperature gas, liquid metal and molten salt).
Our Engineering Policy Unit works closely with members to raise the profile of engineers and engineering potential, to generate discussion and provide thought leadership.
Read our policy-related Themes and reports
Our renewable energy guide provides a snapshot of the solar, wind, wave and tidal energy sectors.
Read the guide
Our fossil energy guide provides an overview of the three most popular types of fossil fuels and how they are used.
Our guide provides a brief overview of how nuclear power stations work.
Find out about the history of nuclear power in Britain, as well as energy plans for the future.
Find out more about the nations that have nuclear power, and those that have given it up.
This guide gives an overview of the long term outlook for nuclear power.