Quality Control
No. of mini-lessons4
ResourcesTakeaway Tasks
Duration 10'
No. of mini-lessons 4
Resources Takeaway Tasks
Course overview
How do you know when your milk is off? You can give it a sniff, check its use-by date, or even drink some. That’s all well and good when you’ve got one bottle to check, but what about a hundred, a thousand, or even a million? And you can’t go around drinking customers’ milk once it’s been sealed, either! So what can you do?
The answer is quality control: checks and measures to ensure your product is consistent and of a high standard. But testing the quality of your product isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are several different methods and approaches to take! This course will explain the various ways to conduct quality control, so you can decide which is right for you.
What's covered
The benefits of conducting quality control
Different inspection and statistical quality-control methods
How to choose a method of quality control that suits your business needs
Why your teams need this course
Quality control is vital for any business that creates a product, as it helps keep everything consistent. But what works for one product or business might not work for another. Suitable for business leaders, business owners, and operational managers, this course will detail the different ways to assess the quality of your goods and services, so you can make an informed decision.
Accredited by CPD
TalentLibrary is recognized as reaching the standards and benchmarks required by the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certification Service.
The CPD Certification Service is the world’s leading and largest independent accreditation organization for professional development courses across all industry sectors.