James Watt International Gold Medal

The Medal is awarded biennially to an eminent engineer who has attained worldwide recognition in mechanical engineering in any direction - science and research, invention, production.

This award is the premier international award of the Institution. Nominations are invited from overseas societies and eminent UK engineers are also eligible.


Open to Institution members of all grades as well as non-members, worldwide.

Award conditions

  • Nominations are considered by the Trustee Board Awards Committee in May and recommendations for awards are forwarded to the Trustee Board for approval in June.
  • Successful recipients are notified by the President at the end of June and invited with a guest of their choice to a celebration of their success in London in the Autumn.

Value of award

  • Gold medal.

Application process

Closing date: 30 April 2026.

Previous winners

Discover previous James Watt International Gold Medal winners.


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