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Our history and the history of engineering
Institution and Engineering History
Post-war 1946-1968
Post-war (1946-1968)
1947 saw a merger with the Institution of Automobile Engineers to create the Institution’s first division; the Automobile Division.
In the early 1950s the Institution went into publishing with a monthly magazine, Chartered Mechanical Engineer, and a book publishing venture. Both were designed to deliver technical information and innovation in design, manufacturing, and process.
In a move away from a focus on pure engineering science, 1961 saw a change to the way that the Institution’s groups operated with the aim to better align with industrial relevance. Groups now covered; applied mechanics, education and training, hydraulic plant and machinery, industrial administration and engineering production, internal combustion engines, lubrication and wear, steam plant, nuclear energy, automatic control, railway engineering, manipulative and mechanical handling machinery, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, and process engineering, refrigeration, ventilation and vacuum plant.
1967 saw the introduction by the Council of Engineering Institutions (CEI) of a new and universal status of Chartered Engineer with the right to use the post-nominal CEng. The CEI also set up the first register of engineers. A consequence of these moves for the Institution was a change in membership class nomenclature to bring the IMechE in line with other engineering institutions. Members became Fellows and Associate Members became Members. ’.
Archive enquiries
Contact the archive team if you have a question about our history.
+44 (0)20 7973 1265
Second World War (1939-1945)
1969 to present